Smartwatches and trackers to keep you moving.
Google Pixel Watch 2
Help by Google. Health by Fitbit. Made for you.
Front view of Google Pixel Watch 2Front view of Google Pixel Watch 2
Fitbit Charge 6
Run your day and routine.
Front view of Fitbit Charge 6Front view of Fitbit Charge 6
Stay on top of your day, your health, and your fitness.
Pixel devices are even better together. Talk to Google to get answers, hear updates and control your devices.
Level up your fitness routine with Fitbit Premium.Access a full library of workouts and mindfulness sessions led by Fitbit’s expert trainers.
Free delivery.
Works with most phones running Android 9.0 or newer and requires a Google Account, Google Pixel Watch app and Internet access. Some features require a Fitbit mobile app and/or a paid subscription. Google apps and services are not available in all countries or languages. See for technical and device specifications.
Fitbit Charge 6 works with most phones running Android 9.0 or newer or iOS 15 or newer and requires a Google Account, Fitbit mobile app and Internet access. Some features require a Fitbit mobile app and/or a paid subscription. See here for more information.
All orders that are delivered free of charge use the lowest-cost option unless otherwise noted.